Legal notice

This web site has been created by The Bierzo Designation of Origin Regulator Board and is purely informative and for professional use.

Access to the web site implies knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

The domain name,, is registered to The Bierzo Designation of Origin Regulator Board whose current address, for the purposes of this Legal Notice, is C/Mencía, 1 Campo de San Bartolo. 24540 Cacabelos. León. Spain.
You can contact us at the following number and address:

The Bierzo Designation of Origin Regulator Board
C/Mencía, 1 Campo de San Bartolo. 24540 Cacabelos. León. España.
Teléfono: +34 987 134 980

  • The content and services included and offered on this website are not directed to those persons residing in jurisdictions where they are not authorised.
  • The user accesses this website voluntarily.
  • Access to and browsing this website implies reading and accepting the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use included.
  • Mere access does not imply any type of commercial relationship between Regulatory Council for the Designation of Origin Bierzo and the user.

The Legal Notice and/or the Conditions of Service established for the services offered via this website may be modified if and when The Bierzo Designation of Origin Regulator Board considers it necessary and appropriate or in order to adapt to future technological and legislative changes. These modifications will be properly notified and will be valid from the date of publication on this website, unless stated otherwise.